10 Easy Ways To Increase Humidity In Your Home

10 Easy Ways To Increase Humidity In Your Home

Humidity is an important aspect of indoor air quality, and it’s important to make sure your home has the right level of humidity. Too much humidity can be uncomfortable and lead to problems like mold growth, while too little humidity can cause problems like dry skin and respiratory issues. Here are 10 easy ways to increase humidity in your home:

  1. Ensure that your home is properly sealed and insulated- Leaky homes allow humidity to escape, while poorly insulated homes allow cold air to enter, which can decrease the humidity level. You can contact a contractor to seal and insulate your home, or do it yourself with products like caulk and insulation.
  1. Place plants throughout your home– Plants naturally release moisture into the air, which can help increase the humidity level. Just be sure to choose plants that are appropriate for your climate and that will survive in the conditions you have in your home. They also add some beauty to your home. Aside from that, plants also help to clean the air.
  1. Open windows– When the weather permits, open your windows to allow humidity to enter your home naturally. Opening your windows also provides a way for fresh air to enter your home.
  1. Use a dehumidifier– If you find that your home has too much humidity, using a dehumidifier can help to remove some of the moisture from the air. The difference of a dehumidifier from a humidifier is that a dehumidifier extracts water from the air, while a humidifier adds water to the air.
  1. Cook– When you cook, the steam that is released into the air will add humidity to your home. You can also boil water on the stove to add humidity. This is a great way to add humidity when the weather is cold and you don’t want to open your windows.
  1. Take a hot bath or shower– The humidity that is released from your body when you take a hot bath or shower will add moisture to the air. When you’re done, be sure to open the door and windows to allow the humidity to escape.
  1. Use a humidifier– A humidifier is a great way to add humidity to your home, and there are many different types available. You can get a home humidifier system in St. George so that you can control the humidity level in your home.
  1. Place bowls of water around your home– Another way to add humidity to your home is by placing bowls of water around your house. The water will evaporate, adding moisture to the air.
  1. Use a hygrometer– A hygrometer is a device that measures the amount of humidity in the air. This can help you to determine if you need to make any adjustments to increase the humidity in your home.
  1. Have a regular cleaning routine– A regular cleaning routine can help to keep humidity levels in your home consistent. dust and dirt can accumulate and make it difficult for humidity to circulate. Cleaning also helps to improve air quality.

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